Goodbye 2010 + FREE Pat On The Back For Every Reader

Happy New Year to all of you! What will you keep with you from 2010? For me, 2010 has been a good year; a year of growth and living-outside-my-comfort-zone. I am finishing the year on a note of satisfaction and anticipation for 2011.

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A Story of Hope

Happy Christmas everyone! Oh, I love the feeling of Christmas Eve – everyone’s buzzing (some from excitement.. probably most from stress but I’ll pretend we’re all buzzing with excitement!)

Today I’m honoured to share with you the story of a beautiful friend of mine whose journey to motherhood wasn’t as smooth or timely as she would have liked. Along the way though, she, along with her husband, got so much more than they ever thought they would.

Here’s a story of God’s love and compassion. He notices everything and every 1.

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In 2004, after my husband and I had spent 13 years trying to have children, all we had to show for it was the grief of five miscarriages. Infertility can be a lonely journey and I found myself forever trying to hide the pain, the way I might cover a blemish with makeup.

One day a friend invited us to church so we went along and, after a few months, I gave my heart to Jesus. I haven’t looked back since. Once I found God, I wasn’t lonely anymore. God was taking away the sadness and saying, “It’s okay, it’s not going to be like this forever.”

Then one day I was at work and my phone rang so I went outside to answer it. We had applied for adoption two years earlier but when our moment finally came I was in shock. “We would like to know if you will accept the placement of a baby girl,” the lady on the phone said. I couldn’t believe it – I was finally going to become a mum!

A few days later, sitting outside a stranger’s home, waiting to meet our child was a surreal experience. As soon as we saw our baby girl for the first time she smiled and flashed her dimples; her blue eyes were shining. I had to smile; I’d always thought my children would have dimples and blue eyes. It was like God had been telling me about my children all along.

Twelve months later, almost to the day, our second daughter came into our lives and we are now a family of four.

My husband and I had spent 13 years in sadness and grief. That sadness had sat there for so long but God knew. When we gave our hearts to Him, He lifted the sadness and took it away. The grief and disappointment we experienced was worse than any toddler tantrum we will have to face and we’re forever grateful to God for His joy and for our two precious daughters.

Originally published in the Hawkesbury Courier Newspaper, 4 November 2010

Star pic thanks to Sarsifa

Food for Water – How One Mum is Impacting The World

On the way home from work one day, she had an idea. Eight months later, 1 200 Cambodians have access to clean water because she acted on that idea. This is the story of Rachelle Attieh and how she began impacting the world from her home, one well at a time.

Rachelle’s idea was to start a co-op. Every fortnight, a couple of co-op volunteers would go to the fruit markets and purchase enough fruit and vegetables to fill the co-op orders. Then they would sort the produce into boxes and baskets and everyone would come to pick up their allotment. Due to the freshness and quality of the produce, low prices and the incentive of supporting an important ministry, Rachelle was certain it would be a hit.

This is the story of the Vineyard Co-op in Rachelle’s own words: Continue reading

Praying and Fasting for Social Justice

Yeah I know, fasting isn’t a popular subject. But if you’re a Christian, fasting and praying might be something to consider if you’re passionate about seeing strongholds brought down and people set free. Many people fast for their families or for personal breakthrough. Have you ever thought about fasting and praying against poverty? Human trafficking? War?

It works!

God gives us this promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  (NKJV) Continue reading