Goal Reached

Exciting news – the $1000 goal has been smashed! $1343 has been raised for the beautiful women of Mercy House in Kenya.

To all of you who donated, sponsored and supported, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We did it!

Online fundraising for The Sunflower Effect*The Sunflower Effect supports the work of The Mercy House Kenya and Kristen Welch (wearethatfamily.com)

It’s a Bake-Off!

You’ll have to excuse me.. I’m having a bit of a proud mum moment. Even though it’s been a month since the fact, I’m bubbling with happiness that somehow, my kids seem to be getting it.. They’re beginning to understand the impact they can have on the world.. That they have power, wealth, priviledge* to share with others.

Continue reading

Don’t Ignore that Idea!

How tiny is this seed..

..it is maybe half a centremeter long..

..but look what it created in my garden, when I planted it and watered it:

Just because seeds are small isn’t reason enough to keep them hidden away, unplanted.

It’s exactly the same with our lives; changing other’s lives. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the problems of this world. Our minds become crowded with thoughts like, “I can only give a little bit.. I may as well not even bother.. What difference will it make anyway?” These thoughts are definitely not from God. In fact, I truly believe that the little seeds of ideas you’ve been mulling over for a while, the ones which would help you raise a few dollars for a charity, or the little things you could do to help a friend – they’re probably from God. God doesn’t immediately give us a massive, fully grown tree – He gives us a seed. And if we plant and water it, we’ll see what it can grow into.

That’s how I feel about $10. It’s not a huge amount of money but it’s a seed. As a challenge to myself, I want to aim to raise and/or donate $10 every week to Mercy House. I’ll have to get creative because I don’t have truckloads of time during the day. I’m going to have to be smart, work hard and be dilligent with the little seeds I have.. the list of ideas and opportunities is growing and I’m working on a plan so that none are wasted. I figure, if God gives me a seed, I really don’t want to waste it. What’s more, if He has given it to me, that means He’ll help me plant and water it, He’ll work my day so I have plenty of time, energy and inspiration. He’s there every step of the way when we plant and water the seeds He has given us.

It is impossible to see what can become of a seed until it has been planted and watered. Why not plant your seed and see what God can do with it?

What seeds, ideas, thoughts, projects have you been mulling over? Do you think it’s time to plant?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Joni x

*The Sunflower Effect supports the work of The Mercy House Kenya and Kristen Welch (wearethatfamily.com)


What The Sunflower Effect Means To Me…

Sometimes we hear of tragic things happening and we want to help – but often we feel helpless and give up before we’ve even started. The problems of this world are huge – too much for one person to solve.

But they were never meant to be solved by one person. Continue reading

When Frustration Gets the Better of Me

I wrote this post about a month ago, when I was working my little toosh off, getting everything ready to launch The Sunflower Effect (if you don’t know what The Sunflower Effect is, click here for info). I thought you might like to read it.

Be encouraged 🙂


Frustration has been dogging me all day. I tried everything I could think of to get rid of the gnawing feeling in my gut. I did some housework, wrote a list, watched some Gilmore Girls but none of it worked (that’s how bad I was feeling – even Gilmore Girls didn’t work!!)

So finally I sat down and had a chat with God.. which should really be the first thing I do but it usually isn’t (note to self: change this habit!)

I told God how frustrated I was, about the fact that I really  want to make a difference in this world but that it just all seems too hard. I told him that I felt like I had hit a wall. How on earth could I do anything which would change the lives of those dying from normal, everyday things like being pregnant and having a baby? Continue reading