Day 32: Using What God Gave you

Man, we’re nearing the end of our Purpose Driven Life journey already! I’m actually quite excited because I feel like once I’ve finished this project (40 days of purpose, blogged) I can move onto the next one and I’m really looking forward to finding out what it is! I’ve learned so much by undertaking this journey. The process has taken much longer than I thought (blogging daily is tough! Three times a week seems much more manageable) but I’ve learned a lot about myself and my purpose and also about blogging. As much as I love blogging (and I certainly do), I have a long way to go.

Anyway, back to the Purpose;

God ordained our purpose before we were born. He decided exactly what He wanted us to do and designed us accordingly. Once we surrender our life to Him, nothing can stand in the way. I love this Danish proverb: What you are is God’s gift to you; what you do with yourself is your gift to God. Continue reading