Meet Josfa – Our Compassion Child

It’s Compassion Day today and I couldn’t let it go by without posting about it. I LOVE Compassion Day. Compassion is an incredible organisation, heading a movement towards eradicating poverty, one child at a time. They don’t only feed, clothe and educate these children, they love them, hug and kiss them, tell them how much God loves them and do whatever they can to help children realise their dreams. I thank God for Compassion. Through them, we can reach the world.

Semugaayi Josfa

I wanted to introduce you to our little Compassion boy. His name is Semugaayi Josfa, he’s 14 years old and lives in Uganda. He is in level 5 at school (approx year 6 by Australian standards), lives with his grandmother and helps out along with his 4 siblings.I don’t know why he lives with his Grandmother. I don’t know if I should ask. Perhaps I should.

He’s a gorgeous little fellow. I can’t help but feel a mixture of love, pride and sadness when I look at his picture. I love him, I’m so proud of him and yet I’m sad that I’ve never met him. I’m sad that he had to be born in Uganda into poverty. I’m sad that I can’t do more for him.

He loves playing soccer and dreams of playing for Manchester United one day. He plays number 8 and sometimes number 7. He works hard planting crops and carrying water for his family and worries when it doesn’t rain. He knows about the reality of poverty and famine – because he has lived through it.

In his words, “I am a born again child of God and I love Him so much. I love my sunday school teacher, for she has taught me a lot about God. My memory verse is in Psalm 25:15. It says “My eyes look up to you, Christ Jesus, all my day”. This verse help me grow a good child of God.”

He often says he is “proud” of us and prays for us continually. He is a precious child with a heart of gold.

Elizabeth Stone said, “Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” Well, I say that making the decision to sponsor a child is also momentus. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around in another country, another culture, another family outside your body, seemingly outside your world.

Josfa has a part of my heart, a part I never want to take back. He’s a silent part of our family and one day, I pray we will all be able to meet him. I’m welling up just with the thought..

Begin your story of sponsorship today. Sponsor a child through Compassion.


Some of my lovely online friends have also blogged about Compassion Day. Check out what they’ve said:

Squiggle Mum

Michelle D Evans

One thought on “Meet Josfa – Our Compassion Child

  1. Pingback: Happy Birthday to our Compassion Child, Josfa! « Every (1) Matters

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