Whatever is True – Guest Post

This week’s post is written by the lovely Kay from Heart and Soul Pursuits.

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Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent, whatever is praiseworthy, think on these things. (Phil 4:8)

Lately I have been contemplating the whatever moment. ‘Whatever’ is an interesting word depending on how you say it and where you place the emphasis. It can be taken to mean “so what” like who cares but I rather like thinking of this word in terms of whatever it takes. Whatever it takes to be true, whatever it takes to be noble, whatever it takes to be pure, whatever it takes to be lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. 

I recently travelled to Uganda as part of a global team, volunteering for two weeks at Baby Watoto. While over there I had opportunity to think on these things and put all of this into practice. As our plane began its decent I was overcome with emotion.  I was finally achieving a long held dream. I was sharing this journey with two friends and a team of six other girls from around the world. It had been a long and arduous road. We had fundraised for much of the year and been thoroughly consumed with preparing for this trip. Multiple vaccinations had been taken, families sorted, bags packed and plans set in motion. My dream was about to come true.  Continue reading